
  1. Look to https://gitlab.com/tango-controls/cppTango/-/blob/main/RELEASE_NOTES.md#940-changes-which-might-have-an-impact-on-users
  2. tango.h was moved to tango/tango.h. If the server was written with PoGo – open with PoGo $\geq$ 9.8.0 and re-generate.
  3. dtype DEV_INT was removed.
  4. Required C++14.
  5. Removed “using namespace std” $\rightarrow$ user must import by itself.
  6. coutXXX Macros Renamed To TANGO_LOG_XX.
  7. TANGO_LONG_32 and TANGO_LONG_64 Defines Removed.
  8. Input References Arguments Changed To Const References.
  9. Removed Tango_isnan helper function.