Measurement Groups

The measurement groups can be created by the script if the corresponding entries were previously introduced in the online.xml file and converted to onlineSardana.xml using the script. A measurement group with the first timer and the first counter found in the pool is always created, independently of what in the online.xml file is defined.

The entry for a measurement group looks like:

 <mgs>timers = exp_t01, counters=exp_c01, exp_c02, exp_mca01</mgs>
<name> is the name the measurement group will be created with, it can be choosen arbitrarily.

<type> has to be measurement_group.

<module> is not used. <device> is not used.

<mgs> lists the timers and counters constituting the measurement group. Counters can be any counter or experimental channel in the Pool or any existing tango attribute (external channels).

To include arbitrary Tango attributes to the MG create a tangoattributectctrl counter as described in 4.4.6. Then include it using the newly created name in the MG, e.g.:

 <mgs>timers = exp_t01, counters=exp_c01, exp_c02, pos2</mgs>

It is also possible to add attributes to the MG this way:

 <mgs>timers = exp_t01, counters=exp_c01, exp_c02, haspp99:10000/p99/vmexecutor/eh.02/position</mgs>

or altenatively:

 <mgs>timers = exp_t01, counters=exp_c01, exp_c02, haspp99:10000/p99/vmexecutor/eh.02/position</mgs>

if the device of the external channel runs is in the same TANGO_HOST as the Pool.

However, the second syntax is discouraged at the moment because there is an inconsistency in the configuration of MGs which can lead to confusion.

If an option -d or -nd is appended to the name of the counter

 <mgs>timers = exp_t01, counters=exp_c01 -d, exp_c02 -nd</mgs>

the counter will be configured to be displayed or not in the plot, if nothing is set the default setting is used.

If an option -o or -no is appended to the name of the counter

 <mgs>timers = exp_t01, counters=exp_c01 -o, exp_c02 -no</mgs>

the counter will be configured to be shown or not in the spock output while the scan is running, if nothing is set it will be shown.

Several timers are allowed:

 <mgs>timers = exp_t01, exp_t02, counters=exp_c01 -d, exp_c02 -nd</mgs>

The meaning of <control> and <hostname> is the same as for the rest of the online.xml entries.