Call on_stop, also from parent class

The following example shows how the on_stop() function of a derived class invodes the on_stop() function of the parent class.

#!/usr/bin/env python
from sardana.macroserver.macro import Macro, Type
import time
import PyTango

class parentClass(Macro):

    def say( self):
        self.output( "parentClass.say Hello ")
    def on_stop( self):
        self.output( "parentClass.on_stop")

class derivedClass( parentClass):
    """prints a string"""
    param_def = [
        [ "text", Type.String, None, "some text" ],
    def on_stop( self):        
        self.output( "derivedClass.on_stop")
        # parentClass.on_stop( self)
        super( derivedClass, self).on_stop()

    def run(self, text):
        timer = PyTango.DeviceProxy( "p21/dgg2/exp.01")
        self.output( "waiting for ctrl-c")
        timer.SampleTime = 0.5
        for n in range(20):
            self.output( "still waiting")