hexapod( keyword)
hexapod( keywords) = (list_of_keywords)

Reads/write to the hexapod controller. The possible keywords are:

x, y, z the coordinates
u, v, w the angles
r, s, t the pivot point
sx, sy, sz, su, sv, sw the step sizes
vel  the velocity, def. 2.
rdy  status: moving (1), at rest (0), input only
status  0 device is offline, 1 device is online

* = hexapod( x)
hexapod( x, y, z) = (1, 2, 3)

The terminalserver or host name and the port number are stored in the environment variable HEXAPOD_PORT, e.g.: hasts5_4506.

Note that you can supply more that one keyword for the set operation, the get operation accepts only one keyword.

The command write/fio/motor ... writes also the hexapod positions and the pivot point (r, s, t) to the output file, if the hexapod connection has been opened before.

The recovery procedure:
Log out hasts5 port 6
kracht@pal33# findcon hasts5
kracht@pal33# lantro server hasts5 port 6 mode put
1. Press the reset button at the hexapod controller
2. Power off/on, if the red light stays
3. Edit /online_dir/exp_ini.exp and comment the hexapod commands.
4. Enter '*=hexapod(init)' and wait until the hexapod reaches the initial position.
