
The following loops generate VME I/O. This way interfaces, crates and modules can be tested.

loop [say/line=2 lindex; * = gmup(mot12)]
   Reads the position of MOT12, displays it and writes the loop index to line no. 2. 
loop [say/line=2 lindex; * = rc(c1)]
   Reads counter C1, displays its contents and writes the loop index to line no. 2. 
loop [say/line=2 lindex; sawft(t1) = 0.01]
   Executes a start-and-wait-for-timer sequence for 0.01 s and writes the loop index 
    to line no. 2.

Sometimes it is helpful to monitor the data transfer to/from the VME bus. This is done in the following way:

 set debug on
 *= rc(c1)

The second statement reads the counter C1. The debugging output is written to the message window:

 vmeget:A24D16 2 B (0x7f00) from 0x110 
 vmeget:A24D16 2 B (0x0) from 0x112
The message windows is openend by the command open/win_msg, usually executed from exp_ini.exp