An Image Plate Scan

Assume that we want to scan a motor and read images from an image plate scanner at every stop. Two counters are used, c1 and c2. C1 measures some signal after the image has been read, c2 is active during the exposure of the image. This example is an extension of the simple fast scan. Before a measurement is started, one has to setup the MAR client:

hasipbw5> scan345
See section 13.12.25 for details.

Let's look at the before-macro first, table 15.11:

Table 15.18: Example: Before_mar_scan.gra
! before_mar_scan.gra

! these symbols are keywords. they select the 
! counters that are to be used during the scan
  scan_c1 = c1 
  scan_c2 = dummy_c2 

  ip_counter = c2
  ip_name = scan_name"_c2"

! counter c1 has to have a minimum of 1000 counts per second 
! otherwise the scan is interrupted 
  scan_min_c1 = 1000

  scan_timer = t1 

! get_offsets() uses scan_timer and scan_ci to 
! measure the offsets 
  if !search_symbol( scan_offset_c1) 
    s1 = get_offsets(10) 

  deactivate scan_name


The timer t1 gates c1 and c2. C2 is introduced as a dummy counter because it will be active during the image exposure. This has to be done “by hand”. The symbol ip_counter (image plate counter) is used from a .gra file which takes the image: single_image.gra. The during-file can be found in table 15.11.

Table 15.19: Example: During_mar_scan.gra
! during_mar_scan.gra

  fname = scan_name"_"sindex
! scan_par - sample time
! mode 2
! erase_flag 0
  run <~.prog>single_image.gra scan_par fname 2 0

fname is the file name of the image. It is constructed of the scan name and an index which counts the during-calls.

Table 15.11 displays the .gra file which takes the image. Single_image.gra begins with some checks on the input variables and erases the image plate, if requested. Then is starts a motor (mot36) which moves the sample forth and back during the image exposure. Then is resets the counter before the shutter is opened. It sleeps for the requested sample time and closes the shutter. The counter is read before the image is scanned.

Table 15.20: Example: An Image Plate Scan
! Usage:
! run <~.prog>single_image.gra st fname mode erase_flag
!   st         - the shutter is opened for ST seconds
!   fname      - file name, on NODE_MAR (/home/mar345/data) 
!   mode       - scan mode, see below 
!   erase_flag - if 1, the plate is erased before the shutter opens
!   shutter_flag - if 1, the plate is erased before the shutter opens
  var si_sample_time si_file_name si_mar_mode si_erase_flag
  if !gra_status()
  if ((si_sample_time < 0) + (si_sample_time > 100))
    say " Sample_time out of range "si_sample_time
  if ((si_mar_mode < 0) + (si_mar_mode > 7))
    say " Mar_mode out of range "si_mar_mode
  if ((si_erase_flag < 0) + (si_erase_flag > 1))
    say " Erase_flag out of range "si_erase_flag
  if si_erase_flag
! erase image
    say/line=24 " Erasing ... "
    s1 = erase_mar()
! MOT36 moves the sample during the exposure. 
  The slew rate equals conversion factor => 1 unit/second
  cali/unit=0/nocon/nolog mot36
  say/line=24 " Open shutter for "si_sample_time" seconds"
  saum(mot36) = si_sample_time + 0.5
  do start_all_moves()
! if ip_counter (image plate counter) is defined, 
! reset it before the shutter is opened
  if search_symbol( ip_counter)
    do resco( ip_counter)
! osh and csh are symbols that contain commands which open/close
! the shutter, e.g.: osh = "wor(oreg1) = 1", csh = "wor(oreg1) = 0"
  wait si_sample_time
  do complete_all_moves()
! read the ip counter
  if search_symbol( ip_counter)
    ipc_name( sindex) = gc( ip_counter)
  say/line=24 " Shutter closed "
  say/line=24 " Scanning image (mode "si_mar_mode") -> "si_file_name
  s1 = scan_mar( si_mar_mode, si_file_name, si_sample_time)