ca, caa (hkl2Angles)

class ca(Macro, _diffrac):
    """Calculate motor positions for given H K L according to the current
    operation mode (trajectory 0)."""
    param_def = [
       ['H', Type.Float, None, "H value for the azimutal vector"],
       ['K', Type.Float, None, "K value for the azimutal vector"],
       ['L', Type.Float, None, "L value for the azimutal vector"],
class caa(Macro, _diffrac):
    """Calculate motor positions for given H K L according to the current
    operation mode (all trajectories, aka angle sets)"""
    param_def = [
       ['H', Type.Float, None, "H value for the azimutal vector"],
       ['K', Type.Float, None, "K value for the azimutal vector"],
       ['L', Type.Float, None, "L value for the azimutal vector"],

p09/door/haso107d1.01 [4]: ca 1 0 0 
Trajectory 0 (more trajectories by caa H K L)

Azimuth (Psi) =  135.00000
Wavelength =  1.54000

     Delta       Theta          Chi         Phi         Mu       Gamma
  61.77224    30.88612     -0.00000    90.00000    0.00000     0.00000