The Motor Regions Scan

Similar to EXAFS scans it can be useful to prepare motor scans in a way that the user specifies the step with and sample time in several regions:

ONLINE> scan/reg*ions motor_name
ONLINE> scan/reg*ions/loa*d=regions_file motor_name

If the qualifier /load is supplied, a file which contains the region parameters is automatically loaded.

ONLINE uses the SCAN GQEs regions_delta and regions_sample_time to determine the step width and the sample time. It creates the SCAN GQEs scan_name_delta and scan_name_sample_time to log these parameters. The region parameters can be written to .fio files by: write/fio/scan/regions scan_name.

A menu is provided that allows you to edit the regions SCANs. It is called by KP0 ('Prepare Scan').

An example for a REGIONS scan can be found in section 15.10.