Non-Fast Scans

This section shows scan macros that execute a rather simple scan. Two counters and the DORIS current are read, displayed and stored.

Figure 8.1: Example: Non-Fast Scan Macros
Image non_fast_macros

Here is the before macro:

   delete i_doris.*
   copy/nocon scan_name  i_doris     
   set i_doris/at=(2,2,2)/col=4/prim=0
   create/text/string="I-DORIS"/y=1.05/x=0.5/prim=2 i_doris.1

   delete detector.*
   copy/nocon scan_name  detector
   set detector/at=(2,2,3)/col=2/prim=5/type=1/par=4
   create/text/string="Detector"/y=1.05/x=0.5 detector.1

   delete monitor.*
   copy/nocon scan_name  Monitor     
   set monitor/at=(2,2,4)/col=3/prim=1/type=2
   create/text/string="Monitor"/y=1.05/x=0.5/prim=1 monitor.1

   deact scan_name.*

   delete 0.2
   delete 0.3
   delete 0.4
   create/text 0.2/string=scan_name" "date()" "time()/y=0.90/x=0
   create/text 0.3/string=scan_device" from "start" to "stop" by "delta/y=0.85/x=0
   create/text 0.4/string="Sample time "sample_time/y=0.80/x=0


   set inter off


 copy/nocon scan_name i_doris Three scan GQEs are created, i_doris, detector and monitor. They are copied from scan_name, a GQE that is automatically maintained by Online.

 set i_doris/at=(2,2,2)/col=4/prim=0 The scan i_doris is placed into the upper right part of the screen. The colour is blue, the primitive type is line.

 create/text/string="I-DORIS"/y=1.05/x=0.5/prim=2 i_doris.1 A line of text.

 deact scan_name.* The scan GQE scan_name is made invisible.

 cls/gr The graphic screen is cleared.

 set inter off The display mode is set to non-interactive. The result is that the screen is cleared only, if necessary.

The during macro resets the counters, starts and waits for the timer, reads the counters and displays the reading:

    dum = resaco()
    sawft(t1) = sample_time

    detector( sindex, 2) = gc(c0)
    monitor( sindex, 2) = gc(c1)
    i_doris( sindex, 2) = doris()



 dum = resaco() Reset all counters.
 sawft(t1) = sample_time Start and wait for timer. The symbol sample_time is maintained by Online.
 detector( sindex, 2) = gc( c0) Counter C0 is read. The contents is stored in the scan GQE detector. The symbol sindex is maintained by Online.
 auto/y Autoscale.

The after macro produces a postscript output, if requested, stores the data on a disk file and cleans the internal storage:

  if yesno( Postscript)

  write/fio/x(scan_name)/y(detector)/y(monitor)/y(i_doris)/motors scan_name



 write/fio/x(scan_name) ... Writes the results to a disk file. Notice that the x-axis is taken from scan_name because the x-values of scan_name are automatically maintained by Online.

 cleanup Deletes recorded GQEs that are invisible and compresses the internal storage. Here we use the compress feature only because the scan GQEs are deleted explicitly in the before macro.